WARNING: Before reading, please note that a Liberal amount of Profanity and Irreverance may occasionally be found below.
I blame it on the Alcohol.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentines Day

Oh, Hell.
I know I'm going to catch a load of crap if I don't show y'all (O for Gawds sake, did you read the post just below? I live in the SOUTH!) a picture of the wonderful Valentines Gift I got the very lovely and talented, Mrs GLB.
Now, am I not the most romantic guy in the state world Universe?


Heh! Top that GQ!
Well, at least the new couch is comfy.............

Small Town Livin' Redux

Awhile back I wrote  here about going for dinner at a Mexican Restaraunt, and how that was interesting partly because of living in a small town and (I remembered this part later) partly because I live in the South. (Yes, THAT South, Y'all).
So, today while I was working daydreaming napping checking for holes in my eyelids while watching the Olympics on TV, I got to wondering...........
Do you think they serve Sweet Tea at the Mexican Restaurants in say......Mexico City?

Friday, February 12, 2010

Bandit the Rescue Dog

Bandit is quite the swimmer, as you can see above. But when he came to live with me, he didn't know how to swim. Well, maybe I better start at the beginning.........
In 2003 I bought a house in Central VA. It was adjacent to a large wooded area, used only occasionally by humans, as a day camp, used constantly by many deer who live there. One of the reasons I liked the house was because it had a nice garden spot, and I like to garden. However, everyone I talked to said "You can't raise a garden there, the deer will eat everything." I talked to the neighbors and they said the former owners of the house had a dog who lived in the back yard and kept the deer away. Ahh, good idea! So off to the local animal shelter I went.
There he was, looking all sad in his cage. When he moved, he limped a little on his right rear leg. "His name is Hero" said the nice lady showing me the dogs. "Why do you call him Hero?", I asked.
Well, it turns out he had been brought in to the shelter by a man asking that he be put down. The poor doggie had been hit by a car and had a broken leg. The dog's owner had taken him to a Vet to see about getting the leg set, but the cost was going to be $650 which the man could not afford.
The shelter took ownership of the dog, and found a Vet who would set the leg, including installing a pin in his leg, from hip to knee.
"He just came back to the shelter," the nice woman said. "We adopted him out about a week ago to a woman who lives on a farm. She thought he would be a great companion for her 25 YO horse. Unfortunately, even with the pin in his leg, he would chase the horse, grab his tail and hang on. The woman who adopted him was sure either the horse would run, fall and injure himself, or kick the dog, further injuring the broken leg. It was not a good match, so she brought him back."
I wasn't sure I wanted such a project, but he had that "take me home" look in his eye, so I he adopted him me.
The nice woman at the shelter said "Now he has that pin in his leg, so you have to keep him quiet"
Have any of you ever tried to keep an 18 month old Border Collie quiet? Ain't happening.......
The house Bandit (yes, I changed his name before we even got home, it just seemed more fitting after hearing the horse story) and I moved into, had a pool right behind the house. When we moved in, the cover was still on the pool.
Have I mentioned yet how much Bandit likes to chase tennis balls? I think we were still moving in, and Bandit brings me a ball while we were standing on the deck overlooking the pool. Without thinking much about it, I tossed the ball toward the pool........where it bounced on the cover, and over a small wall into the backyard. Bandit, of course, was right behind it. Down the steps, directly across the covered pool, and with one leap, over the wall into the back yard. Well, the wall is only about 18 inches high on the pool side but six feet high on the back yard side. My heart was in my stomach when I saw him go over the wall, but Bandit bounced right up, and came trotting back up the stairs with the ball, begging me to throw it again. So much for keeping him quiet! That's pretty much how it went for the next two months until I took him in to the Vet and had the pin taken out. I did try to keep him quiet, but fortunately he has a strong constitution and survived all the times I forgot.
I DID immediately begin training him to not chase cars.I read how to do it online, pretty simple process. He was pretty much ignoring them after about two weeks. Fortunately he lived in the backyard when not with me, so he wasn't tempted too much when off leash.
After the pin was taken out of his leg, I noticed that the formerly injured leg, was much thinner than his other rear leg. The muscles had atrophied due to him favoring that leg. What to do? Remember the swimming pool? And the tennis ball? Well, it turns out as much as they like to chase tennis balls, Border Collies are not natural swimmers. Bandit, however is  a quick learner. Tennis ball in the pool. Bandit pulled into the pool on his leash, thrashing about (kinda like I still swim, but that's another story) for about two lengths of the pool, and then he's learned to swim like a champ. Since it was now well into spring, nice warm weather, the pool open, here became the arriving home from work drill: I would change into shorts, grab a beer, and sit, dangling my legs in the end of the pool with two tennis balls. I would toss the first ball to the end of the pool.  Bandit would jump in, return to me with the ball in his mouth. As he got to me, I would toss the second ball to the end of the pool. Bandit would drop the second ball, go for the First. Repeat until one of us got tired,(usually always me). He soon could easily do over 30 laps without tiring. Within a short amount of time the right leg was just as strong as the left. He was also very good with the deer. Loves to chase them away.
Bandit is now about 8 years old, and has never shown any signs of problems with that leg. I give him Glucosamine every day, just in case. We have moved from the house with the pool, but now he has a river to swim in, and a buddy to swim with. You do know you should never swim without a buddy, right? Right? Didn't you ever go to summer camp?

The story of Tye, Bandit's swimming buddy, to come later.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Why are people so stupid?

Every day I have about a 20 mile drive to work. Normally a nice quiet time to spend with my thoughts, and get ready for my day at the office. Don't tell anyone, but if the traffic is light, as it usually is, I sometimes check my emails on my BlackBerry.
Today was a little different.
Snow/ice covered road, most of the way. OK..........a little nerve wracking, but manegable.  Traffic is still light and going 10-15 miles below the speed limit. No checking email today, though. The road is requireing my complete attention.
However, about half way to work, driving on a snow covered 4 lane divided highway, I saw a gray Jeep Cherekee in the median. Looked like it has rolled over but, Ok, its back right side up again, people walking around the car in the snow.........


some A**hole stopped in the center lane to see if he could help. Plenty of room on the right shoulder, to pull off, but NO this idiot has to completley block one lane of traffic, on a slick, snowy road.
I wonder, Are you still required to pass a test to get a driving license now a days?

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Small Town Livin'

OK, so the snow quit..........at least for awhile. I got on the tractor, and scraped the driveway clean enough to get the 4 wheel drive out to the road. Then the Lovely Mrs. B and I went out for dinner. Since she hadn't been out of the house since Wed. it was really self preservation on my part.
We went out for Mexican.  Mrs. B ordered a Marguerita. What she got was a Virgin Margurita with a shot of Tequila on the side..............Hmmmm, Seems like there was some sort of communication problem.
Well, at least while we were at dinner we got to see two guys dressed in Camo trousers, one with a Camo hat, and another with Camo boots.
Did I mention we live in the country? Camo is very "in" here. It's like if you live in the city, you might go to a restaraunt where you need a tie and jacket. Here you need Camo. I was wearing jeans, no Camo.
Some days I feel so left out. I wonder why?

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Snow Storm comin'

Updated Below:

Dolly really doesn't like the snow. She can't get to any grass, and she really prefers that to the hay we feed her.
Tye, on the other hand just goes right into it.
She's quite the little snow dog.
Update # 1:
I am trying to work at home today. We had over an inch of snow by 7 this morning. It's 11:45 now and its been coming down steady all morning. Looks to be about 3-4 inches. And its not stopping until Saturday night? I wonder if it's gonna be a lazy weekend? I hope there is at least a football game on..........

I wonder what is causing our huge budget deficit?

I'm curious about this kind of stuff, and the Cable news shows never take time to dig into boring things like budget numbers. Here is a handy chart that I stole from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities that helps explain it.
It shows pretty clearly where the majority of the deficit comes from. If you are interested, you can read the whole article here. It's really quite interesting. Although apparently to the Republicans, Obama is a big government socialist, it looks like most of the current deficit came from that last guy, ol' what's his name..............

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I wonder who believes this crap?

Via Andrew Sullivan, I saw this poll online today. Unbelievable!


If you guessed "Self Identified members of the Republican Party", you win the prize

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Isn't that a beautiful view?

I really am lucky to live in such a fantastic place. Those are the Blue Ridge Mountains of Central Virginia in the background. Every morning I wake up to this view, of course except when its cloudy, when I can only see to the trees, which still ain't half bad.
When I lived out west, I could see the Olympic Range or the Cascade Mountains (if it wasn't raining). They are much taller, very strong and magnificent looking. When I moved to Virginia, someone told me that the Blue Ridge Mountains are some of the oldest mountains on the planet, so naturally they are a little more stooped and worn. I guess they've just been worn down by life. Kinda like me.
So, if you come visit, treat them gently, like your grammy.......