WARNING: Before reading, please note that a Liberal amount of Profanity and Irreverance may occasionally be found below.
I blame it on the Alcohol.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Small Town Livin'

OK, so the snow quit..........at least for awhile. I got on the tractor, and scraped the driveway clean enough to get the 4 wheel drive out to the road. Then the Lovely Mrs. B and I went out for dinner. Since she hadn't been out of the house since Wed. it was really self preservation on my part.
We went out for Mexican.  Mrs. B ordered a Marguerita. What she got was a Virgin Margurita with a shot of Tequila on the side..............Hmmmm, Seems like there was some sort of communication problem.
Well, at least while we were at dinner we got to see two guys dressed in Camo trousers, one with a Camo hat, and another with Camo boots.
Did I mention we live in the country? Camo is very "in" here. It's like if you live in the city, you might go to a restaraunt where you need a tie and jacket. Here you need Camo. I was wearing jeans, no Camo.
Some days I feel so left out. I wonder why?


  1. You are too funny - I know Christmas is a ways away but that just gives me time for shopping.
    Cabelas here I come.:) I think I can at least afford the hat.

  2. I came over from Grayquill's place
    I love your warning and you better live up to it!

    I loved the horse and pup photos
    and that poll post
    scary times, scary times

    so nice to meet you!
