WARNING: Before reading, please note that a Liberal amount of Profanity and Irreverance may occasionally be found below.
I blame it on the Alcohol.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentines Day

Oh, Hell.
I know I'm going to catch a load of crap if I don't show y'all (O for Gawds sake, did you read the post just below? I live in the SOUTH!) a picture of the wonderful Valentines Gift I got the very lovely and talented, Mrs GLB.
Now, am I not the most romantic guy in the state world Universe?


Heh! Top that GQ!
Well, at least the new couch is comfy.............


  1. Well at least you have some thing to hull that load of crap with.
    And, such a nice color too.:)

  2. Oh I'll bet she was pleased...I just ran across your blog from Grayquill, from Arkansas patty...But you need to post more often to keep me reading...I have Sisters that live in AR and they only post about once a week....We are close and I am even about ready to give up on reading their blogs!
