WARNING: Before reading, please note that a Liberal amount of Profanity and Irreverance may occasionally be found below.
I blame it on the Alcohol.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Been a long time comin'

I think I started working (for pay) when I was still in High School. I had a variety of part time and odd jobs while going to high school. When you come from a poor family with 6 children, every one has to pull their own weight.
Two weeks after graduation from HS, I hitchiked away from home to go work in an Apple Orchard in the Yakima Valley.
That was 1964. 
In the intervening years, I have had a variety of jobs, but have almost continuosly been employed. Even during the early 90's, when I was going to College, I still worked full time.
Let's see, 2010 - 1964...........hmm, carry the 3, I think that's 46 years working somewhere or other to earn a living. (thank gawd for that calculus class I took in college, otherwise I might have screwed up that math).

Well, that's all coming to a screeching halt in exactly, approximately,  lets see......12 months in a year, 22 working days in a month, minus 11 paid holidays, minus 25 days vacation/sick time, (oh my head is going to hurt after this math calculation)....umm, carry the 3, that's  212 more days at work before my


which I am planning for February 25, 2011.
I'll try to keep you updated as I go through this last year. Right now it's a lot exciting, and pretty scary, this being about the first time I've actually said the word "Retirement" out loud.

1 comment:

  1. Incredible - and I find out on a blog.
    This is great news - so that means next year you will be totally available for a week of fly fishing with your brother.
    BTW - I think you were suppose to carry the 6 not the three.
